Visiting Policy Due to COVID-19 Pandemic
We Apologize For Any Inconvenience but for the Safety of Our Household & that of our Puppies there will be no visitation prior to the puppies vaccination, time permitting, and or the date of pickup. We will be in contact with you once the health certificates are issued to schedule your appointment. Thank you for understanding during these difficult times. If you are interested in setting up a FaceTime appointment, that's always an option.
The amendment to our visitation shall be in effect until further notice
We enjoy meeting the families who have already RESERVED a puppy but if you are firm on looking at the puppies in person before placing a deposit you will have to wait until after they are vaccinated, but generally speaking most of the puppies, if not all may already be spoken for.
Visitation can start once the puppies reach 8 weeks of age, time permitting.
Please note that until the puppies have had at least two sets of puppy vaccinations their immune system is very vulnerable and they are prone to disease which can wipe out the entire litter. Please do not handle any other dogs other than your own before visiting us.
Please note that like a new baby, the opportunity for young pups to pick up infectious diseases is increased with all new contacts. Their immune systems are building, so at this time, the moms and pups live in whelping nests which are separate from all outside traffic. Most illnesses and diseases are innocently carried on people’s shoes and clothing. Entire litters of puppies can be wiped out within 48 hours by the puppy killer parvovirus. This disease could be picked up unknowingly by people in a school yard, a park, or on a sidewalk - and this is only one disease. We cannot risk exposing our dogs and your puppy to diseases that could destroy them.
Please limit visitors to a maximum of two adults and two children and we will set up the appointments, we only ask that you are prompt being that it'll be very busy during the pickup days:)
Thank you for understanding.